
Yunus Center On Social Business And Sustainability


The Yunus Center for Social Business and Sustainability (YCSBS) was launched on 18 January 2018 with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Yunus Center in Dhakha, Bangladesh, and EPOKA University in Tirana, Albania.

 Our mission is to build Social Business awareness to address pressing economic, social, and environmental challenges through interdisciplinary research, knowledge-sharing, and mentoring services.

Businesses provide a unique opportunity to address needs in society. Yet some businesses provide unbalanced rewards while imposing undue costs on clients, employees, or the larger society. Social businesses, however, seek to provide benefits to clients, employees, and the larger society by addressing needs in society, creating jobs, and doing both in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner.

The YCSBS is one of a growing family of Yunus Centers in universities around the world and in agreement with the Yunus Centre in Bangladesh. We seek to conduct research on social business, share knowledge and build awareness of social business, and provide mentoring services for students and clients in order to contribute to the wider social business ecosystem and the development of new and existing social businesses.

Contact us

Head of YCSBS 

Dr. Besjon Zenelaj

Social Media

+355 4 2232 086 - +355 4 2222 117
Rr. Tirane-Rinas, Km. 12 1032 Vore Tirana, Albania
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